My name is Melanie Waddell, I am the Town Clerk in Rockport, MA.
I am currently in my third year as Town Clerk and will seek re-election in May of 2025.
I am a fourth-generation Rockport resident and grew up with a true appreciation for public service. My father, Jim Waddell, served as a Tax Assessor in Rockport for 24 years, and my grandmother, Nancy Waddell, served as Town Clerk from 1968-1973. I love serving my community. It is not only in my DNA; it is my passion.
The Town Clerk is a unique role in our town’s government. The Clerk is responsible for handling vital records such as births, deaths and marriages, preserving our rich Rockport history, and keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of the future by ensuring the safety and integrity of elections.
2020 was an unprecedented year for elections. We had four elections in one year during a worldwide pandemic, and this required an innovative approach to the process. As Assistant Town Clerk, I was on the front lines for elections and Town Meetings, meeting rapid change with responsible but flexible response and helping navigate us all through the season of uncertainty. Rockport was also chosen at random by the State to complete an audit of the Presidential election, which reconfirmed the accuracy of our local election process. Overcoming several challenges, we were able to ensure a safe and healthy voting process, including mail-in voting, early voting, and absentee voting.
We still find ourselves in unprecedented times that require creative ways to solve problems and cooperative ways to keep our community strong and unified. I have honed the skills necessary for long-term success and the ability to continue to lead our town through these times. As Town Clerk I have implemented and continue to introduce new systems and procedures that will prepare us even better for the future.
Thank you for voting for Melanie Waddell for Town Clerk in May 2025. I am honored to continue to serve the Town of Rockport by preserving the past and moving forward together into the future.
Profession Accomplishments
CMC - Certified Municipal Clerk (from International Institute for Municipal Clerks)
Graduate of NEMCIA (New England Municipal Clerks Institute and Academy)
Southern New Hampshire University
Bachelor of Arts, General Studies - Concentration in Political Science
summa cum laude
Fashion Institute of Technology
Associate of Arts and Sciences, Fashion Merchandising
cum laude
Rockport Public Schools K-12
Relevant Work Experience
Town of Rockport, Assistant Town Clerk
Gove and Feldman Insurance, Personal Lines Account Manager, Rockport, MA
The Urchin Exchange, Consignment Boutique, Owner, Gloucester, MA
Election Official 2014-2020
Professional Affiliations
Justice of the Peace, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Notary Public, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
North Shore City and Town Clerks Association
Massachusetts Town Clerks Association
New England Association of City and Town Clerks
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
When not in Town Hall, I love walking my dog through Town, hiking the woods with my son, mountain biking, crafting, spinning, thrifting, networking, helping where I am needed and inspiring others. I could not be more grateful for where I live, for my family, for my mentors and for the chance I have been given to serve this community.
Respectfully yours,